Subcommittee Goals


  • The Special Education Directors will collaborate to develop programs, provide services, and share resources that create efficiency and generate savings.


  • The Assistant Superintendents/Curriculum Directors will collaborate to maximize the use of professional development resources and curriculum alignment with the Common Core State Standards.


  • The Business Managers will establish a joint purchasing committee, develop a standard "NWSC Request For Proposal" (RFP), and become the fiscal agents for all financial matters.


  • The Technology Directors will collaborate to provide technology-based professional development and training, build an online clearinghouse of "best practices" across districts, and maintain our informational public relations website for the Consortium.

  • Online Clearinghouse of Best Practices

  • Create and Manage Consortium Website


  • The Facilities Directors will collaborate to develop a scope-of-work that will allow common services and projects to be incorporated into a Request For Proposal (RFP), and provide training for personnel in areas of safety in the workplace.